Title: sr_get_userdata()

sr_get_userdata() is the counterpart to sr_put_userdata() and does one of two things:

1) Copies data from a user process to a buffer (to be more specific, a chain of accessors) within the network service (this process). This can be either ioctl data (in which case, for_ioctl is TRUE) or data. For example, udp_setopt() (indirectly) calls sr_get_userdata() to get configuration data. Also, restart_write_fd() (indirectly) calls sr_get_userdata() before passing data onto the ip code.

2) Sends a REVIVE message to the file system (FS). For example, if an illegal option is selected while configuring a udp file descriptor, reply_thr_get() is called, which then (indirectly) calls sr_get_userdata(), passing in EBADMODE for the parameter count. restart_write_fd() also (indirectly) calls sr_get_userdata() to send a REVIVE message back to the FS indicating the number of bytes read after copying the data from the user process.

sr_get_userdata() is often called twice in close succession. The first time to attempt to copy the data from the user process and then the second time to send a message to the FS indicating whether the copy operation was successful and, if it was successful, the number of bytes copied.

In my opinion, like sr_put_userdata(), this function should have been made into two functions. As it is, it is too confusing.