Title: ip_nettype()

ip_nettype(ipaddr) returns the network type (which will be of type nettype_t) of ipaddr, the only parameter to ip_nettype().

The nettype_t enum typedef is declared in inet/generic/ip_int.h. Each type's associated ip address range is included in the comments.

typedef enum nettype
IPNT_ZERO, /* 0.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_CLASS_A, /* 1.xx.xx.xx .. 126.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_LOCAL, /* 127.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_CLASS_B, /* 128.xx.xx.xx .. 191.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_CLASS_C, /* 192.xx.xx.xx .. 223.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_CLASS_D, /* 224.xx.xx.xx .. 239.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_CLASS_E, /* 240.xx.xx.xx .. 247.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_MARTIAN, /* 248.xx.xx.xx .. 254.xx.xx.xx + */
} nettype_t;