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0040001 /*
0040002 ip_lib.c
0040004 Copyright 1995 Philip Homburg
0040005 */
ip_lib.c contains functions that deal with subnet masks and a function that verifies ip options.

0040007 #include "inet.h"
0040008 #include "buf.h"
0040009 #include "event.h"
0040010 #include "type.h"
0040012 #include "assert.h"
0040013 #include "io.h"
0040014 #include "ip_int.h"
0040016 THIS_FILE
0040018 PUBLIC ipaddr_t ip_get_netmask (hostaddr)
0040019 ipaddr_t hostaddr;

ip_get_netmask(hostaddr) simply returns the natural subnet mask of hostaddr, the only parameter to ip_get_netmask().

For a class A network, the subnet mask is (0xff000000);
for a class B network, the subnet mask is (0xffff0000);
for a class C network, the subnet mask is (0xffffff00);
for a zero network type (0.xx.xx.xx), the subnet mask is (0x00000000).

0040020 {
0040021          return ip_netmask(ip_nettype(hostaddr));

ip_netmask() returns a nettype's associated subnet mask.

For a class A network, the subnet mask is (0xff000000);
for a class B network, the subnet mask is (0xffff0000);
for a class C network, the subnet mask is (0xffffff00);
for a zero network type (0.xx.xx.xx), the subnet mask is (0x00000000).

Note that the returned subnet mask is in network format.ip_nettype()

ip_nettype(ipaddr) returns the network type (which will be of type nettype_t) of ipaddr, the only parameter to ip_nettype().

The nettype_t enum typedef is declared in inet/generic/ip_int.h. Each type's associated ip address range is included in the comments.

typedef enum nettype
IPNT_ZERO, /* 0.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_CLASS_A, /* 1.xx.xx.xx .. 126.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_LOCAL, /* 127.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_CLASS_B, /* 128.xx.xx.xx .. 191.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_CLASS_C, /* 192.xx.xx.xx .. 223.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_CLASS_D, /* 224.xx.xx.xx .. 239.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_CLASS_E, /* 240.xx.xx.xx .. 247.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_MARTIAN, /* 248.xx.xx.xx .. 254.xx.xx.xx + */
} nettype_t;

0040022 }
0040024 PUBLIC int ip_chk_hdropt (opt, optlen)
0040025 u8_t *opt;
0040026 int optlen;
ip options

Ip options are an assortment of settings related to the ip protocol. However, most ip options involve the path that the ip packet takes to its destination. Ip options are discussed in detail on page 14 of RFC 791 as well as by the Data Network Resource.

Ip options are optional. If there are ip options, the ip options must be placed between the ip header and the udp header (for a udp packet):

The maximum size of the ip options is 40 bytes and must be a multiple of 4 bytes (RFC 791). This is a real limitation since the number of router ip addresses that can be stored in the ip options is very limited. ip_chk_hdropt()

ip_chk_hdropt() goes through the ip header options (if there are any) and verifies that the options are acceptable. For example, ip_chk_hdropt() verifies that the same ip header option is not listed twice.

0040027 {
0040028          int i, security_present= FALSE, lose_source_present= FALSE,
0040029                   strict_source_present= FALSE, record_route_present= FALSE,
0040030                   timestamp_present= FALSE;
The variables security_present, lose_source_present, etc. are used to make sure that an option is not used more than once. After encountering one of these options, ip_chk_hdropt() sets the corresponding variable to true (e.g., line 40049).

0040032 assert (!(optlen & 3));
0040033          i= 0;
0040034          while (i<optlen)
0040035          {
0040036                   DBLOCK(1, printf("*opt= %d\n", *opt));
0040038                   switch (*opt)
0040039                   {
0040040                   case 0x0:              /* End of Option list */
An option of 0x00 (ip header options are 8 bits) is used to mark the end of the options.

0040041                            return NW_OK;
0040042                   case 0x1:              /* No Operation */
An option of 0x01 is a no-op (no operation). A no-op is used to internally pad options within the options header field (recall that the length of the ip options must be a multiple of 4).

0040043                            i++;
0040044                            opt++;
0040045                            break;
0040046                   case 0x82:              /* Security */
Security options are used to specify military security flags and are used only in military networks.

0040047                            if (security_present)
0040048                                     return EINVAL;
0040049                            security_present= TRUE;
0040050                            if (opt[1] != 11)
0040051                                     return EINVAL;
0040052                            i += opt[1];
0040053                            opt += opt[1];
0040054                            break;
0040055                   case 0x83:              /* Lose Source and Record Route */
Loose source routing suggests a network path that the ip packet take. Variations are allowed as long as all of the routers that are listed (actually, their ip addresses are listed) are in the packet's path.

Record route indicates that routers should record their ip addresses. This allows the destination to see the route that the packet took.

0040056                            if (lose_source_present)
0040057                            {
0040058                                     DBLOCK(1, printf("snd lose soruce route\n"));
0040059                                     return EINVAL;
0040060                            }
0040061                            lose_source_present= TRUE;
0040062                            if (opt[1]<3)
0040063                            {
0040064                                     DBLOCK(1,
0040065                                     printf("wrong length in source route\n"));
0040066                                     return EINVAL;
0040067                            }
0040068                            i += opt[1];
0040069                            opt += opt[1];
0040070                            break;
0040071                   case 0x89:              /* Strict Source and Record Route */
Strict source routing identifies the path that an ip packet must take.

Record route indicates that routers should record their ip addresses. This allows the destination to see the route that the packet took. It's unclear why the route should be recorded for strict source routing since the source mandates the path for strict source routing.

0040072                            if (strict_source_present)
0040073                                     return EINVAL;
0040074                            strict_source_present= TRUE;
0040075                            if (opt[1]<3)
0040076                                     return EINVAL;
0040077                            i += opt[1];
0040078                            opt += opt[1];
0040079                            break;
0040080                   case 0x7:              /* Record Route */
Record route indicates that routers should record their ip addresses. This allows the destination to see the route that the packet took.

0040081                            if (record_route_present)
0040082                                     return EINVAL;
0040083                            record_route_present= TRUE;
0040084                            if (opt[1]<3)
0040085                                     return EINVAL;
0040086                            i += opt[1];
0040087                            opt += opt[1];
0040088                            break;
0040089                   case 0x88:
The timestamp option requires routers to identify when the router processed an ip packet.

0040090                            if (timestamp_present)
0040091                                     return EINVAL;
0040092                            timestamp_present= TRUE;
0040093                            if (opt[1] != 4)
0040094                                     return EINVAL;
0040095                            switch (opt[3] & 0xff)
0040096                            {
0040097                            case 0:
0040098                            case 1:
0040099                            case 3:
0040100                                     break;
0040101                            default:
0040102                                     return EINVAL;
0040103                            }
0040104                            i += opt[1];
0040105                            opt += opt[1];
0040106                            break;
0040107                   default:
No option other than the options above are acceptable.

0040108                            return EINVAL;
0040109                   }
0040110          }
0040111          if (i > optlen)
0040112          {
0040113                   DBLOCK(1, printf("option of wrong length\n"));
0040114                   return EINVAL;
0040115          }
0040116          return NW_OK;
0040117 }
0040119 PUBLIC void ip_print_frags(acc)
0040120 acc_t *acc;
0040121 {
0040122 #if DEBUG
0040123          ip_hdr_t *ip_hdr;
0040124          int first;
0040126          if (!acc)
0040127                   printf("(null)");
0040129          for (first= 1; acc; acc= acc->acc_ext_link, first= 0)
0040130          {
0040131 assert (acc->acc_length >= IP_MIN_HDR_SIZE);
0040132                   ip_hdr= (ip_hdr_t *)ptr2acc_data(acc);
0040133                   if (first)
0040134                   {
0040135                            writeIpAddr(ip_hdr->ih_src);
0040136                            printf(" > ");
0040137                            writeIpAddr(ip_hdr->ih_dst);
0040138                   }
0040139                   printf(" {%x:%d@%d%c}", ntohs(ip_hdr->ih_id),
0040140                            ntohs(ip_hdr->ih_length),
0040141                            (ntohs(ip_hdr->ih_flags_fragoff) & IH_FRAGOFF_MASK)*8,
0040142                            (ntohs(ip_hdr->ih_flags_fragoff) & IH_MORE_FRAGS) ?
0040143                            '+' : '\0');
0040144          }
0040145 #endif
0040146 }
0040148 PUBLIC ipaddr_t ip_get_ifaddr(port_nr)

ip_get_ifaddr(port_nr) simply returns the ip address of the ip port whose index within ip_port_table[] is port_nr, ip_get_ifaddr()'s only parameter.

0040149 int port_nr;
0040150 {
0040151          assert(port_nr >= 0 && port_nr < ip_conf_nr);
0040153          return ip_port_table[port_nr].ip_ipaddr;
0040154 }
0040156 PUBLIC nettype_t ip_nettype(ipaddr)
0040157 ipaddr_t ipaddr;

ip_nettype(ipaddr) returns the network type (which will be of type nettype_t) of ipaddr, the only parameter to ip_nettype().

The nettype_t enum typedef is declared in inet/generic/ip_int.h. Each type's associated ip address range is included in the comments.

typedef enum nettype
IPNT_ZERO, /* 0.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_CLASS_A, /* 1.xx.xx.xx .. 126.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_LOCAL, /* 127.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_CLASS_B, /* 128.xx.xx.xx .. 191.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_CLASS_C, /* 192.xx.xx.xx .. 223.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_CLASS_D, /* 224.xx.xx.xx .. 239.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_CLASS_E, /* 240.xx.xx.xx .. 247.xx.xx.xx */
IPNT_MARTIAN, /* 248.xx.xx.xx .. 254.xx.xx.xx + */
} nettype_t;

0040158 {
0040159          u8_t highbyte;
0040160          nettype_t nettype;
0040162          ipaddr= ntohl(ipaddr);
htons() / ntohs() / htonl() / ntohl()

From htons(3):

"htons() converts a 16-bit quantity from host byte order to network byte order."

Different CPU architectures group multiple bytes differently. For example, on a "little-endian" machine (an example of which is the Intel CPU), the value 0x1234 is stored in memory as 0x3412. However, on a "big-endian" machine, the value 0x1234 is stored in memory as 0x1234.

It is important that values in a header are sent across a network in a consistent manner independent of the architecture of the sending or receiving system. For this reason, a standard was chosen. The standard chosen was big-endian although it could have just as well been little-endian.

htons() is defined in /include/net/hton.h, as:
#define htons(x) (_tmp=(x), ((_tmp>>8) & 0xff) | ((_tmp<<8) & 0xff00))

ntohs() converts a 16-bit quantity from network byte order to host byte order, the reverse of htons().

htonl() and ntohl() are identical to htons() and ntohs() except that they convert 32-bit quantities instead of 16-bit quantities.

Processes generally supply header information when sending packets. The data in these fields is converted to the network format (i.e., big-endian) by the process before the process copies the data to the network service.

0040163          highbyte= (ipaddr >> 24) & 0xff;
Extract the high octet. For example, for the ip address, highbyte will be 192.

0040164          if (highbyte == 0)
0040165          {
0040166                   if (ipaddr == 0)
0040167                            nettype= IPNT_ZERO;
0040168                   else
0040169                            nettype= IPNT_MARTIAN;
0040170          }
0040171          else if (highbyte < 127)
0040172                   nettype= IPNT_CLASS_A;
0040173          else if (highbyte == 127)
0040174                   nettype= IPNT_LOCAL;
0040175          else if (highbyte < 192)
0040176                   nettype= IPNT_CLASS_B;
0040177          else if (highbyte < 224)
0040178                   nettype= IPNT_CLASS_C;
0040179          else if (highbyte < 240)
0040180                   nettype= IPNT_CLASS_D;
0040181          else if (highbyte < 248)
0040182                   nettype= IPNT_CLASS_E;
0040183          else if (highbyte < 255)
0040184                   nettype= IPNT_MARTIAN;
IPNT_MARTIAN is the network type used by Marvin Martian.

0040185          else
0040186          {
0040187                   if (ipaddr == (ipaddr_t)-1)
Casting -1 to the ipaddr_t type results to 0xffffffff (, the broadcast address.

The ipaddr_t typedef is declared in include/net/gen/in.h:

typedef u32_t ipaddr_t;

0040188                            nettype= IPNT_BROADCAST;
0040189                   else
0040190                            nettype= IPNT_MARTIAN;
0040191          }
0040192          return nettype;
0040193 }
0040195 PUBLIC ipaddr_t ip_netmask(nettype)
0040196 nettype_t nettype;

ip_netmask() returns a nettype's associated subnet mask.

For a class A network, the subnet mask is (0xff000000);
for a class B network, the subnet mask is (0xffff0000);
for a class C network, the subnet mask is (0xffffff00);
for a zero network type (0.xx.xx.xx), the subnet mask is (0x00000000).

Note that the returned subnet mask is in network format.

0040197 {
0040198          switch(nettype)
0040199          {
0040200          case IPNT_ZERO:              return HTONL(0x00000000);
0040201          case IPNT_CLASS_A:
0040202          case IPNT_LOCAL:       return HTONL(0xff000000);
0040203          case IPNT_CLASS_B:       return HTONL(0xffff0000);
0040204          case IPNT_CLASS_C:       return HTONL(0xffffff00);
0040205          default:              return HTONL(0xffffffff);
0040206          }
0040207 }
0040209 #if 0
This #define block is not executed.

0040210 PUBLIC char *ip_nettoa(nettype)
0040211 nettype_t nettype;
0040212 {
0040213          switch(nettype)
0040214          {
0040215          case IPNT_ZERO:              return "zero";
0040216          case IPNT_CLASS_A:       return "class A";
0040217          case IPNT_LOCAL:       return "local";
0040218          case IPNT_CLASS_B:       return "class B";
0040219          case IPNT_CLASS_C:       return "class C";
0040220          case IPNT_CLASS_D:       return "class D";
0040221          case IPNT_CLASS_E:       return "class E";
0040222          case IPNT_MARTIAN:       return "martian";
0040223          case IPNT_BROADCAST:       return "broadcast";
0040224          default:              return "<unknown>";
0040225          }
0040226 }
0040227 #endif
0040229 /*
0040230  * $PchId: ip_lib.c,v 1.6 1996/12/17 07:59:36 philip Exp $
0040231  */